Cheap prom dresses are not necessarily anywhere available whenever you close to the date of your prom, because when prom gets closer everybody is searching for a dress, and the shops will not be tagging down prices anytime demand is high. Instead, begin looking for your dress way prior to the important night. Some recommend starting as early as six months in advance, and this isn't a bad idea if you wish to be able to get a dress on discount sales. You may also search online to get your prom dress, since you will find countless of different dresses out there. The common cost of a prom dress bought online must be at least 10% less than a dress purchased on the local stores. However it does not hold on there! If you're going to wait for a local store to set their dresses up on discount sales you'll have to be very patient, as it might never happen. Even so, on the net there will always be many shops which have sales, possibly because they're getting rid of older merchandise or because they're trying to draw in customers just like you. The thing is, the market industry is a lot larger online, and the competition for you money is stronger compared to a local store which has a monopoly on the close by area or town.